Technical Updates

Reform v3 release - 05 Oct 2023

Reform v3.0.0

Mid September 2023 updates - 20 Sep 2023

AstuteBuddy v1.6.6
  • Updated key shortcut entries.
FindReplace v1.7.8
  • Improvement: The latest AG utility live effects (Dashify, Make Shape, etc.) are now available to search on.
  • Improvement: The replacement art chip now shows the rotation value of the object (if any) in its tip string.
  • Bug fix: When searching for compound path art, the attributes type, point count, and length now work as expected (all subpaths must match).
  • Bug fix: When either the replacement art or the original art has a non-orthogonal rotation, "After Scaling To Match" now works correctly.
  • Bug fix: After using the "Replace" button to replace only some of the matching art, the next use of the "Replace All" button now correctly replaces only the remaining matching items.
  • Bug fix: The replacement art chip tip string is now correct for point text objects.
MirrorMe v3.5.3
  • New feature: Tapping the Shift key can now change the active sector when axes are being created or are provisional (with the mouse button up).
Texturino v2.7.4
  • Improvement: Preferences dialogs now have on-panel help text.
  • Bug fix: Clicking along the scale slider without dragging now properly updates the texture's scale.
  • Bug fix: After increasing the padding value in the preferences, existing textures with "Autocover" are now immediately recalculated.
  • Bug fix: The Texturino tool no longer erroneously registers hits to the (invisible) controls of a missing or mismatched texture.
VectorFirstAid v4.0.8
  • Improvement: When using the Unoutline function and live text is selected along with the outlined text paths, VectorFirstAid will use only the fonts in the live text when attempting to unoutline the paths.
  • Bug fix: Words separated by em spaces, en spaces, and thin spaces are now correctly broken apart when breaking text into words.
VectorScribe v5.1.7
  • New feature: Pressing 'R' while adjusting a Dynamic Shape's slice will reverse the slice values on the fly.
  • If an AG Corner or AG Utilities live effect is added or edited with no art selected, a warning icon will now be displayed in the parameters dialog.
  • Bug fix: Dynamic Measure settings now recall precision values of 0 or 1 correctly.