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Last updated 18 October 2023
Recently completed major releases and updates:
Illustrator 2024 compatibility
Reform Text - allows the creation of beautiful text-on-a-path effects
New Art Switcher and AG Layer Comps panels added to SubScribe - details here
For details of all major and minor plugin updates, please visit our Technical Updates page.
Below is our intended* roadmap. Note that regular (typically monthly) additional minor updates are not detailed below.
Live Effect building blocks (continuous public releases which will result in a major combined announcement along with a new set of Graphic Styles)
Astute Manager functionality and interactivity with the plugins and web services
All active, current subscribers to Astute Graphics' service can opt-in to the beta programme, providing early access and sneak peeks to the next amazing tools!
Please read our Learning to Learn blog post for insights into the major changes we have planned for our training and learning material. Work on this is continuing throughout 2023, being our current focus on service improvement.
The extensive new AG Docs online resource is currently in beta, and may be accessed via https://docs.astutegraphics.com/. Note that at the time of writing, not all plugins are documented.
Astute Graphics have been listening to suggestions from customers and users since our first plugin (Phantasm) in 2006. If you have a tool or enhancement that you think would be useful to your vector workflow and other Adobe Illustrator users, please get in contact.
We also actively seek feedback from customers via regular surveys. Our latest one has ensured many improvements are underway. Read about what actions we plan to take »
*We can't provide specific dates or fully predict external factors such as updates by Adobe, Apple and Microsoft. All information provided here is purely an indication and may be subject to change without notice.