Texturino Texturino

Textures + opacity brush

  • High quality repeating and non-repeating textures
  • Import your own textures
  • Quickly and naturally brush an opacity mask
  • Organize your textures in the texture manager

All 21 plugins and a year of updates.

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Texture Tool

Lets you quickly and easily add one or more raster-based textures as a live effect to filled paths, live text, gradient meshes and raster objects. Intuitive annotation controls let you quickly change a texture's scale, rotation, opacity, and blending mode. An "Autocover" feature ensures that a texture will completely cover an object, even if it is edited. Textures can be set as "repeating", meaning they will be automatically tiled to fill the object.

Texture tool in Illustrator

Texture Brush Tool

Lets you brush in or out one or more textures to remove portions of them or make them fade out. Enhanced control with stylus devices including Wacom, Surface Pro and XP-Pen.

Texture brush tool to apply and remove textures

Opacity Brush Tool

Lets you quickly and naturally brush the opacity mask of one or more art objects to remove portions of them or make them fade out.  Enhanced control with stylus devices including Wacom, Surface Pro and XP-Pen.

Opacity brush to add and remove opacity masks in Illustrator

How you can get started

Creating textured stickers with Texturino

Adding textures to vector artwork requires a lot of time and management to Read more »

5 things you didn't know you can do with Astute Graphics

5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With Astute Graphics1 Direct Prefs Read more »

Early November 2020 updates

Late in October, to coincide with the release of Illustrator 2021, Read more »


A comprehensive set of high quality repeating, non-repeating and grunge textures installs automatically with Texturino. Additional free and original textures are made available via your Astute Graphics account page. Plus, you can easily import your own PNG images to use as textures!

Texture Manager

Lets you organize all your imported textures: renaming, assigning categories, favoriting, deleting, and exporting. Quickly preview and export selected textures to pass on to your colleagues.

All 21 plugins and a year of updates for a year.

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+ sales tax where applicable
Texturino Technical Specifications

Texturino technical specifications

Great new potential − native format

  • Texture Tool and Texture Brush Tool applied as Illustrator live effects

  • Opacity Brush Tool applied as Opacity Masks

  • Artwork may easily be transferred to Illustrator user without Texturino

  • No change to saving Illustrator artwork file as normal

  • Full interaction with other native and Astute Graphics tools, including live effects

  • Export in all Illustrator-supported formats including PDF, EPS, PNG, PSD transparently

Texture Tool: Overview

  • Add texture to any object in a single-click

  • Apply to any vector fill, group, editable text, image object or targeted layer

  • Raster (bitmap)-based textures for maximum quality and flexibility, controlled in a vector manner

  • Optionally set textures as repeating to easily ensure seamless large-area coverage

  • Feature-rich panel, plus intuitive on-artwork annotation for maximum control and speed of operation

  • Interactively or numerically adjust Opacity Level, Opacity Type, Rotation, Scale (including precise poi resolution) and Offset

  • Special "Knockout" opacity mode for popular eroded artwork results

  • Add, Swap, Reset, Remove all live textures

  • Preview thumbnail of selected texture including zoom to view all or 100%

  • Stack and control multiple textures to object, group, etc.

  • Quickly duplicate previously applied texture and settings to same or new artwork

  • Enable auto-cover mode to ensure no part of the object is left un-textured

  • Relative or Absolute positioning control of applied textures to best cater for user's expectations when editing underlying artwork

  • List all textures available in Texturino texture library or refine by user-defined categories

  • Optionally display access to Gray, Color and/or Non-repeating textures

  • Quickly assign "Favorite" status to selected texture for future quick access

Texture Brush: Overview

  • Brush elements of a texture applied via the Texture Tool

  • Brush-away texture by default or use Wacom pen eraser and/or keypress to re-introduce texture

  • Natural and artistic results allowing user to further enhance texture(s) applied

  • Result integrated into existing Texture Tool life effect(s)

  • Brush single or multiple textured object selections

  • Brush user-targeted or all textures applied simultaneously to object(s), group(s), etc.

  • Control brush Size, Hardness, Opacity, Noise, Roundness and Angle

  • Keypress shortcuts to quickly control Size and Opacity

  • Enhanced control with Pen/Tablet, eg. Wacom for dynamic adjustment of brush Size, Opacity and Roundness/Angle

  • Default high quality preview of brushing operation

  • Quickly reset mask at any percentage opacity ("base opacity")

  • Invert brushed mask

  • Reset, Invert, Copy, Paste and Remove brushed mask

Opacity Brush: Overview

  • Brush any object selection (vector, text and/or image) to fade artwork

  • Brush-away artwork by default or use Wacom pen eraser and/or keypress to re-introduce artwork

  • Natural and artistic results allowing user to further refine appearance of artwork

  • Brush single or multiple object selections

  • Continue to edit existing opacity-brushed artwork at later stage

  • Control brush Size, Hardness, Opacity, Noise, Roundness and Angle

  • Keypress shortcuts to quickly control Size and Opacity

  • Enhanced control with Pen/Tablet, eg. Wacom for dynamic adjustment of brush Size, Opacity and Roundness/Angle

  • Default high quality preview of brushing operation

  • Quickly reset mask at any percentage opacity ("base opacity")

  • Invert brushed mask

  • Reset and Invert mask

  • [Optional] Manually extend mask to fit art (useful for any vector editing to underlying artwork following application of mask)