Create accent lines along an arc in Illustrator

Create accent lines along an arc in Illustrator

2 minute read

Creating accent lines out from an arced path can be time consuming using the transform method. Follow these quick tips for drawing arcs by points and perpendicular lines in Illustrator with the SubScribe Plugin from Astute Graphics.

πŸ” Use the Arc by Points Tool to draw a guide arc over your artwork, you can find it stacked under the Circle by Points Tool in the Advanced Toolbar.

πŸ” Click once to mark point one, Click again to mark point two, and as you move the cursor the arc will draw out until you Click a third time to confirm.

πŸ” Select the Perpendicular Line Tool from the toolbar and drag out a path from your circle (it's stacked under the Tangent Line Tool).

πŸ” Press A to repeat it along the segment, then A again to circle the whole path.

πŸ” Press R to randomise the Length + Positioning.

πŸ” Release the cursor to confirm and it will release them as a new group of paths.

πŸ” Increase the stroke width and change the width profile.

πŸ” Remove the original arc guide.


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