Trim away excess embedded image boundaries with Rasterino

Trim away excess embedded image boundaries with Rasterino

1 minute read

Here's another plugin to make you smile - meet Rasterino, our plugin for cropping and editing images in Adobe Illustrator. Here we will show you how…

  • To open the Rasterino panel navigate to Window > Astute Graphics > Rasterino

  • Place and embed your image on the artboard

  • You can use the Resolution dropdown menu in the Rasterino panel to select a default DPI

  • To trim your image by using pixel colors select the Trim image icon in the Rasterino panel

  • Chose to trim away transparent pixels or by choosing the pixel color based on the top left or bottom right of the image

  • Rasterino trims blank image areas and reduces your file sizes

  • You can also use the Rasterino Crop Image Tool in the toolbar (stacked under the Eraser tool)


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