
What is a Reseller Team Owner?

4 minute read • Last updated 2024-06-13

If you are an individual non-business customer, you will not need to be a Team Owner.

  • If you are a Business Admin or individual wishing to purchase 1 or multiple licenses for yourself, your colleagues or employees at the company you work for. Please go here to get started and for further information.

  • If you are a Reseller wishing to purchase 1 or multiple licenses for clients/End Users, please read on….

As a reseller, in order to begin purchasing licenses you will need to become a Reseller Team Owner with an email address that you will use for administration. Please see instructions on becoming a Reseller Team Owner at the bottom of this article.

As a Reseller you are only going to be an admin of the teams you buy, you won’t actually be using the software yourself. This means that once you purchase a team, you won’t add yourself to the team as a member. If you do this by accident, you can revoke the license.

The Reseller Team Owner is the admin of an account from which they can purchase and manage multiple End User teams with multiple licenses.

The Reseller Team Owner has teams. Each team is made up of Team Members, these are End Users who use the plugins as part of that team. A Team can consist of just one member or thousands.

The Reseller Team Owner  can have and manage limitless multiple teams for multiple End User clients on one account and can purchase, allocate, revoke and reallocate the licenses as they wish.

Summary of Team Licensing permissions for a Team purchased through a Reseller:

  • Reseller Team Owner (Reseller - Admin of the account) – Purchasing and managing multiple End User teams • Naming their End User teams and allocating licenses by inviting a Team Manager  • Can also invite team members • Adding additional seats to a Team Pro rata • Renewing/Extending teams.

  • Team Manager – (Manager of Team only – not a user of a license)  –  Naming their teams • Allocating licenses by inviting new team members • Revoking licenses e.g. when someone leaves the company • Reallocating licenses • Making someone a Team Leader • Revoking Team Leader Status • Making themselves a Team Member so that they also have a license on that team • Cannot manage multiple teams • Does not have purchasing permissions or access to payment information • Toggling plugin data collection options (on or off).

  • Team Leader – (Use of allocated license within a team) • If Team Management not yet allocated, is able to make themselves a Team Manager • Allocating licenses by inviting new team members • Revoking licenses e.g. when someone leaves the company • Reallocating licenses • Cannot Lead multiple teams • Does not have purchasing permissions or access to payment information • Toggling plugin data collection options (on or off).

  • Team Member - Use of allocated license within a team only • Does not have purchasing permissions, access to payment information or any other permissions.


Create an Astute Graphics account by signing up for the Free Trial with an email address that isn’t already subscribed to an active subscription.

·       Once signed up to the Free Trial, contact us with the account email address

·       We will give this account Reseller Team Owner permissions and reply with confirmation

·       You are then ready to purchase the team licenses for your End User.

·       (Please note that if you have already taken the above steps since July 2020, you won't need to do it again).