Create a fractal stipple flower in Illustrator

Create a fractal stipple flower in Illustrator

2 minute read

Learn how to create a fractal stipple flower in Illustrator with the Stipplism plugin:

  • Draw out one petal shape

  • Give it a black/white linear gradient fill, with the black on the outside and white on the inside

  • Open the Appearance panel (Window > Appearance)

  • Add a Transform Effect (fx menu > Distort & Transform > Transform…)

  • In the Rotate Angle value input box enter 30

  • In Copies enter 11

  • In the 9 box alignment square click the centre bottom square

  • Enable Preview mode and you should have 12 petals repeating around in a full circle, joined at the bottom.

  • Click OK to confirm

  • Expand this effect (Object > Expand Appearance)

  • Copy, Paste in Front and Scale several copies of these petals to create a full flower

  • Select all and Ungroup

  • With all still selected head up to Effect > Stipplism > Stipple…

  • Enable the Scale Dots By Tone option

  • Click the Color Preview window to adjust the output color

  • Enable the Preview option to see what will happen

  • Continue to edit any of the other settings

  • Click OK to confirm

  • This will stay as a Live Effect inside the Appearance panel if you want to make any adjustments, or you can Expand Appearance to turn into vector dots.

Top Tip: Stipplism will be outputting 1,000s of dots so it may help to turn the Preview mode off to make multiple adjustments.


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