Finer distortion control in Illustrator

Finer distortion control in Illustrator

2 minute read

Astute Graphics is proud to present the new Perturb Live Effect as part of the Randomino Plugin.

The definition of Perturb is to alter something from its normal state, and another way to explain this is that this Live effect is giving you finer roughen control than the native tools.

Here’s a quick tutorial to show you how:  

  • To find the panel, make sure you have Randomino installed, head up to Window > Astute Graphics > Perturb

  • Select your objects and hit the Apply Perturb button in the Panel.

  • You can alter the objects by a Relative percentage or as an Absolute figure. What this is doing is giving a max allowance that each anchor point will be moved by. If you make this value bigger than the object itself you can get undesirable effects. 

  • Perturb is giving you very fine control to unsettle these objects, perfect for making objects look hand drawn.

  • The Crinkle parameter controls the extent to which points that are near each other have their movement linked. It’s determining the amount of detail in the distortion.

  • Click the Seed button to cycle through randomly.

  • Groups of objects will change as one, quite uniformly. But if you were to select the Ignore grouping option, Perturb will now handle them individually. 

  • As this is a Live effect it is non destructive and you can either remove it with the Flyout menu option, or turn it off in the Appearance panel.


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