Technical Updates

Illustrator 2019 and future compatibility updates - 25 Oct 2019

Autosaviour v2.2.2
  • Illustrator Illustrator 2019+ compatibility update.
ColliderScribe v3.0.2
  • Illustrator Illustrator 2019+ compatibility update.
  • Bug fix: Fixed crash when adding points at collisions using Rotate At Collision Tool with spacing enabled and object being duplicated (Windows only).
DirectPrefs v1.1.1
  • Illustrator Illustrator 2019+ compatibility update.
DynamicSketch v3.0.2
  • Illustrator Illustrator 2019+ compatibility update.
InkQuest v2.0.1
  • Illustrator Illustrator 2019+ compatibility update.
InkScribe v2.0.1
  • Illustrator Illustrator 2019+ compatibility update.
MirrorMe v2.0.1
  • Illustrator Illustrator 2019+ compatibility update.
Phantasm v5.0.1
  • Illustrator Illustrator 2019+ compatibility update.
Rasterino v2.0.1
  • Illustrator Illustrator 2019+ compatibility update.
Stipplism v2.0.1
  • Illustrator Illustrator 2019+ compatibility update.
Stylism v2.0.1
  • Illustrator Illustrator 2019+ compatibility update.
SubScribe v3.0.1
  • Illustrator Illustrator 2019+ compatibility update.
Texturino v2.0.1
  • Illustrator Illustrator 2019+ compatibility update.
VectorFirstAid v3.0.1
  • Illustrator Illustrator 2019+ compatibility update.
VectorScribe v4.0.3
  • Illustrator Illustrator 2019+ compatibility update.
WidthScribe v3.0.1
  • Illustrator Illustrator 2019+ compatibility update.
  • Bug fix: When copying and pasting a WidthStamp object which uses custom contours, the copy's contours are now correctly positioned.

Minor updates - 03 Oct 2019

DynamicSketch v3.0.1
  • Improvement: Retain Existing VSW preference added. When New Paths Have Basic Appearance is disabled (see Appearance panel > flyout menu), the DynamicSketch panel input type is set to None, and the default new path style has a variable width stroke, that stroke profile is now maintained when sketching a new path and can be previewed while drawing it. The resulting path will no longer be dynamic.
    Watch video overview of changes on YouTube
VectorScribe v4.0.2
DirectPrefs v1.1.0
  • Bug fix: The panel is no longer shown each time Illustrator is launched or a new document is opened.