Technical Updates

Mid March 2024 minor updates - 12 Mar 2024

AstuteBuddy v1.8.2
  • Added new 'S' keypress for PathScribe/marqueeing.
DirectPrefs v1.9.1
  • Panel no longer opens on first launch after install.
InkFlow v2.4.1
  • Panel no longer opens on first launch after install.
Phantasm v5.8.1
  • Panel no longer opens on first launch after install.
SubScribe v4.6.1
  • Improvement: The number of Gradient Forge pocket gradients has been increased from 6 to 60, and the panel may now be expanded to show four rows of pockets.
VectorScribe v5.4.2
  • New feature: In PathScribe's multi-handle mode, an "Average Positions" button now lets you move all selected handles to the same position.
  • New feature: When marquee-selecting with the PathScribe tool, the "S" key may now be pressed to toggle "Ignore Segments" mode (in this mode, path segments which cross the marquee but do not have an adjacent anchor point within the marquee are ignored and not selected).

February 2024 minor fixes - 07 Feb 2024

AstuteBuddy v1.8.1
  • Reworded help for PathScribe when marqueeing.
  • Panel no longer opens on first launch after install.
DynamicSketch v3.9.1
  • Bug fix: Restored ability to click panel banner to select Dynamic Sketch tool.
  • Bug fix: Fixed rare crash when trimming a closed path.
  • Panel no longer opens on first launch after install.
InkScribe v2.9.1
  • Bug fix: Restored ability to click panel banner to select InkScribe tool.
  • Panel no longer opens on first launch after install.
MirrorMe v3.7.1
  • Bug fix: Restored ability to click panel banner to select MirrorMe tool.
Stylism v3.8.2
  • Bug fix: Restored ability to click panel banners to select tools.
Texturino v2.9.2
  • Bug fix: Restored ability to click panel banners to select tools.
VectorScribe v5.4.1
  • Improvement: "Start path at selected point" now works on open paths (if an endpoint is selected).
  • Bug fix: Restored ability to click panel banners to select tools.
WidthScribe v3.9.1
  • Bug fix: Restored ability to click panel banners to select tools.