Technical Updates

AG Docs connection to the Astute Manager - 06 Feb 2024

AstuteBuddy v1.8.0
  • The AstuteBuddy panel now features a question mark button; clicking on this opens the related learning material in the Astute Manager (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later to be installed and loaded).
  • The AstuteBuddy panel now automatically opens from the Astute Manager > Docs pages when a user clicks on "Open in Illustrator" (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later, and Adobe Illustrator open with the AstuteBuddy plugin installed prior).
  • Help > Astute Graphics Learn > ... updated to provide improved learning material.
  • The plugin "About" window's Learn button updated to provide improved learning material.
  • Bug fix: Dialog tool tips now display once more on macOS 14 Sonoma.
Autosaviour v2.9.0
  • The Autosaviour panel now features a question mark button; clicking on this opens the related learning material in the Astute Manager (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later to be installed and loaded).
  • The Autosaviour panel now automatically opens from the Astute Manager > Docs pages when a user clicks on "Open in Illustrator" (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later, and Adobe Illustrator open with the Autosaviour plugin installed prior).
  • Help > Astute Graphics Learn > ... updated to provide improved learning material.
  • The plugin "About" window's Learn button updated to provide improved learning material.
  • Bug fix: Dialog tool tips now display once more on macOS 14 Sonoma.
ColliderScribe v4.0.0
  • The SpaceFill panel now features a question mark button; clicking on this opens the related learning material in the Astute Manager (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later to be installed and loaded).
  • The SpaceFill panel now automatically opens from the Astute Manager > Docs pages when a user clicks on "Open in Illustrator" (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later, and Adobe Illustrator open with the ColliderScribe plugin installed prior).
  • Help > Astute Graphics Learn > ... updated to provide improved learning material.
  • The plugin "About" window's Learn button updated to provide improved learning material.
DirectPrefs v1.9.0
  • The DirectPrefs panel now features a question mark button; clicking on this opens the related learning material in the Astute Manager (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later to be installed and loaded).
  • The DirectPrefs panel now automatically opens from the Astute Manager > Docs pages when a user clicks on "Open in Illustrator" (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later, and Adobe Illustrator open with the DirectPrefs plugin installed prior).
  • Help > Astute Graphics Learn > ... updated to provide improved learning material.
  • The plugin "About" window's Learn button updated to provide improved learning material.
  • Bug fix: Dialog tool tips now display once more on macOS 14 Sonoma.
DynamicSketch v3.9.0
  • The DynamicSketch panel now features a question mark button; clicking on this opens the related learning material in the Astute Manager (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later to be installed and loaded).
  • The DynamicSketch panel now automatically opens from the Astute Manager > Docs pages when a user clicks on "Open in Illustrator" (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later, and Adobe Illustrator open with the DynamicSketch plugin installed prior).
  • Help > Astute Graphics Learn > ... updated to provide improved learning material.
  • The plugin "About" window's Learn button updated to provide improved learning material.
  • Bug fix: Dialog tool tips now display once more on macOS 14 Sonoma.
FindReplace v1.9.0
  • The FindReplace Art panel now features a question mark button; clicking on this opens the related learning material in the Astute Manager (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later to be installed and loaded).
  • The FindReplace Art panel now automatically opens from the Astute Manager > Docs pages when a user clicks on "Open in Illustrator" (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later, and Adobe Illustrator open with the FindReplace plugin installed prior).
  • Help > Astute Graphics Learn > ... updated to provide improved learning material.
  • The plugin "About" window's Learn button updated to provide improved learning material.
  • Bug fix: Dialog tool tips now display once more on macOS 14 Sonoma.
InkFlow v2.4.0
  • The InkFlow panel now features a question mark button; clicking on this opens the related learning material in the Astute Manager (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later to be installed and loaded).
  • The InkFlow panel now automatically opens from the Astute Manager > Docs pages when a user clicks on "Open in Illustrator" (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later, and Adobe Illustrator open with the InkFlow plugin installed prior).
  • Help > Astute Graphics Learn > ... updated to provide improved learning material.
  • The plugin "About" window's Learn button updated to provide improved learning material.
  • Bug fix: Dialog tool tips now display once more on macOS 14 Sonoma.
InkQuest v2.8.0
  • The [InkQuest] Separations panel now features a question mark button; clicking on this opens the related learning material in the Astute Manager (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later to be installed and loaded).
  • The [InkQuest] Separations panel now automatically opens from the Astute Manager > Docs pages when a user clicks on "Open in Illustrator" (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later, and Adobe Illustrator open with the InkQuest plugin installed prior).
  • Help > Astute Graphics Learn > ... updated to provide improved learning material.
  • The plugin "About" window's Learn button updated to provide improved learning material.
  • Bug fix: Dialog tool tips now display once more on macOS 14 Sonoma.
InkScribe v2.9.0
  • The InkScribe panel now features a question mark button; clicking on this opens the related learning material in the Astute Manager (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later to be installed and loaded).
  • The InkScribe panel now automatically opens from the Astute Manager > Docs pages when a user clicks on "Open in Illustrator" (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later, and Adobe Illustrator open with the InkScribe plugin installed prior).
  • Help > Astute Graphics Learn > ... updated to provide improved learning material.
  • The plugin "About" window's Learn button updated to provide improved learning material.
  • Bug fix: Dialog tool tips now display once more on macOS 14 Sonoma.
MirrorMe v3.7.0
  • The MirrorMe panel now features a question mark button; clicking on this opens the related learning material in the Astute Manager (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later to be installed and loaded).
  • The MirrorMe panel now automatically opens from the Astute Manager > Docs pages when a user clicks on "Open in Illustrator" (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later, and Adobe Illustrator open with the MirrorMe plugin installed prior).
  • Help > Astute Graphics Learn > ... updated to provide improved learning material.
  • The plugin "About" window's Learn button updated to provide improved learning material.
  • Bug fix: Dialog tool tips now display once more on macOS 14 Sonoma.
Phantasm v5.8.0
  • The Phantasm panel now features a question mark button; clicking on this opens the related learning material in the Astute Manager (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later to be installed and loaded).
  • The Phantasm panel now automatically opens from the Astute Manager > Docs pages when a user clicks on "Open in Illustrator" (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later, and Adobe Illustrator open with the Phantasm plugin installed prior).
  • Help > Astute Graphics Learn > ... updated to provide improved learning material.
  • The plugin "About" window's Learn button updated to provide improved learning material.
  • Bug fix: Dialog tool tips now display once more on macOS 14 Sonoma.
Randomino v1.3.0
  • The Randomino panel now features a question mark button; clicking on this opens the related learning material in the Astute Manager (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later to be installed and loaded).
  • The Randomino panel now automatically opens from the Astute Manager > Docs pages when a user clicks on "Open in Illustrator" (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later, and Adobe Illustrator open with the Randomino plugin installed prior).
  • Help > Astute Graphics Learn > ... updated to provide improved learning material.
  • The plugin "About" window's Learn button updated to provide improved learning material.
  • Bug fix: Dialog tool tips now display once more on macOS 14 Sonoma.
Rasterino v2.9.0
  • The Rasterino panel now features a question mark button; clicking on this opens the related learning material in the Astute Manager (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later to be installed and loaded).
  • The Rasterino panel now automatically opens from the Astute Manager > Docs pages when a user clicks on "Open in Illustrator" (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later, and Adobe Illustrator open with the Rasterino plugin installed prior).
  • Help > Astute Graphics Learn > ... updated to provide improved learning material.
  • The plugin "About" window's Learn button updated to provide improved learning material.
  • Bug fix: Dialog tool tips now display once more on macOS 14 Sonoma.
Reform v3.2.0
  • New Feature: Autoglue added to Reform Tool (enabled via flyout menu).
  • Improvement: Increased accuracy of Reprofile results where small rounded corners are present.
  • Improvement: Reform Text no longer distorts small text where the font features very small rounded corners.
  • The Reform, Reprofile and Reform Text panels now feature a question mark button; clicking on this opens the related learning material in the Astute Manager (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later to be installed and loaded).
  • The Reform, Reprofile and Reform Text panels now automatically open from the Astute Manager > Docs pages when a user clicks on "Open in Illustrator" (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later, and Adobe Illustrator open with the Reform plugin installed prior).
  • Help > Astute Graphics Learn > ... updated to provide improved learning material.
  • The plugin "About" window's Learn button updated to provide improved learning material.
  • Bug fix: Dialog tool tips now display once more on macOS 14 Sonoma.
Stipplism v2.8.0
  • Help > Astute Graphics Learn > ... updated to provide improved learning material.
  • The plugin "About" window's Learn button updated to provide improved learning material.
  • Bug fix: Dialog tool tips now display once more on macOS 14 Sonoma.
Stylism v3.8.1
  • The AG Architect, AG Block Shadow, AG Curvature Visualizer, AG Offset, AG Splatter and Stylism panels now feature a question mark button; clicking on this opens the related learning material in the Astute Manager (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later to be installed and loaded).
  • The AG Architect, AG Block Shadow, AG Curvature Visualizer, AG Offset, AG Splatter and Stylism panels now automatically open from the Astute Manager > Docs pages when a user clicks on "Open in Illustrator" (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later, and Adobe Illustrator open with the Stylism plugin installed prior).
  • Help > Astute Graphics Learn > ... updated to provide improved learning material.
  • The plugin "About" window's Learn button updated to provide improved learning material.
SubScribe v4.6.0
  • The AG Layer Comps, Art Switcher, Gradiator and Gradient Forge panels now feature a question mark button; clicking on this opens the related learning material in the Astute Manager (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later to be installed and loaded).
  • The AG Layer Comps, Art Switcher, Gradiator and Gradient Forge panels now automatically open from the Astute Manager > Docs pages when a user clicks on "Open in Illustrator" (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later, and Adobe Illustrator open with the SubScribe plugin installed prior).
  • Help > Astute Graphics Learn > ... updated to provide improved learning material.
  • The plugin "About" window's Learn button updated to provide improved learning material.
Texturino v2.9.1
  • The Texture, Texture Brush and Opacity Brush panels now feature a question mark button; clicking on this opens the related learning material in the Astute Manager (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later to be installed and loaded).
  • The Texture, Texture Brush and Opacity Brush panels now automatically open from the Astute Manager > Docs pages when a user clicks on "Open in Illustrator" (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later, and Adobe Illustrator open with the Texturino plugin installed prior).
  • Help > Astute Graphics Learn > ... updated to provide improved learning material.
  • The plugin "About" window's Learn button updated to provide improved learning material.
  • Bug fix: Dialog tool tips now display once more on macOS 14 Sonoma.
VectorFirstAid v4.2.0
  • The VectorFirstAid panel now features a question mark button; clicking on this opens the related learning material in the Astute Manager (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later to be installed and loaded).
  • The VectorFirstAid panel now automatically opens from the Astute Manager > Docs pages when a user clicks on "Open in Illustrator" (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later, and Adobe Illustrator open with the VectorFirstAid plugin installed prior).
  • Help > Astute Graphics Learn > ... updated to provide improved learning material.
  • The plugin "About" window's Learn button updated to provide improved learning material.
  • Bug fix: When breaking text into paragraphs, paragraphs with soft line breaks immediately before the paragraph break are no longer erroneously removed.
  • Bug fix: Dialog tool tips now display once more on macOS 14 Sonoma.
VectorScribe v5.4.0
  • New feature: Autoglue added to PathScribe Tool (enabled via flyout menu).
  • New feature: Path Visualizer live effect.
  • The PathScribe, Dynamic Shapes, Dynamic Corners and Dynamic Measure panels now feature a question mark button; clicking on this opens the related learning material in the Astute Manager (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later to be installed and loaded).
  • The PathScribe, Dynamic Shapes, Dynamic Corners and Dynamic Measure panels now automatically open from the Astute Manager > Docs pages when a user clicks on "Open in Illustrator" (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later, and Adobe Illustrator open with the VectorScribe plugin installed prior).
  • Help > Astute Graphics Learn > ... updated to provide improved learning material.
  • The plugin "About" window's Learn button updated to provide improved learning material.
WidthScribe v3.9.0
  • The Width Gradient, Width Selector and Width Stamp panels now feature a question mark button; clicking on this opens the related learning material in the Astute Manager (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later to be installed and loaded).
  • The Width Gradient, Width Selector and Width Stamp panels now automatically open from the Astute Manager > Docs pages when a user clicks on "Open in Illustrator" (requires Astute Manager v3.8 or later, and Adobe Illustrator open with the WidthScribe plugin installed prior).
  • Help > Astute Graphics Learn > ... updated to provide improved learning material.
  • The plugin "About" window's Learn button updated to provide improved learning material.
  • Bug fix: Dialog tool tips now display once more on macOS 14 Sonoma.

Early January 2024 update - 04 Jan 2024

AstuteBuddy v1.7.3
  • Add new keypress for PathScribe tool when marqueeing ghost handles.
  • Added support for ColliderScribe Super Marquee tool new 'T' keypress.
ColliderScribe v3.9.1
  • New feature: The Super Marquee tool now has a "Text only" mode, where only text objects will be selected; it can be toggled on or off while marqueeing with the 'T' key.
  • Bug fix: Dialog tool tips now display once more on macOS 14 Sonoma.
Phantasm v5.7.3
  • Bug fix: Restored missing warning dialog (indicating when the Auto Rasterize setting is needed) on Mac, which could cause an unrelated dialog from another plugin to be displayed.
Stylism v3.7.3
  • New feature: All selected instances of one or more live effects can now be shown or hidden from the Live Effect Explorer dialog.
  • Improvement: The Live Effect Explorer dialog can be made taller to show more rows of effects. Option located in Stylism tool's Preference dialog.
  • Bug fix: Dialog tool tips display once more on macOS 14 Sonoma.
SubScribe v4.5.4
  • New feature: The Gradient Forge panel now has two additional flyout menu items: Combine Selected Stops and Stack Selected Stops.
  • Bug fix: The Orient Transform tool now respects Draw Behind mode when duplicating art.
  • Bug fix: Dialog tool tips now display once more on macOS 14 Sonoma.
VectorScribe v5.2.8
  • New feature: The Dashify live effect now has a new option, when using the alternate alignment method for open paths, to ensure that the path always ends on the first dash in the dash pattern.
  • New feature: The PathScribe panel includes a new menu item which can convert all visible ghost handles to real handles.
  • New feature: When marqueeing ghost handles, the PathScribe tool can now convert them to real handles by pressing the 'G' key.
  • Bug fix: PathScribe's ghost handles are no longer confusingly displayed when in multi-handle mode (as they can't be operated on).
  • Bug fix: PathScribe's ghost handles are now correctly displayed when switching to the PathScribe tool when a path selection already exists.
  • Bug fix: Clicking on a ghost handle with the PathScribe tool (without dragging) will no longer shift it slightly.
  • Bug fix: The PathScribe tool no longer erroneously edits locked guides.
  • Bug fix: Dialog tool tips now display once more on macOS 14 Sonoma.