Technical Updates

Major May updates - 05 May 2023

AstuteBuddy v1.6.3
  • Support for new keypresses in SubScribe's Orient-Transform tool.
ColliderScribe v3.8.3
  • Bug fix: Marqueeing with the Rotate at Collision tool when a single-point guide exists on the artboard no longer results in a crash.
  • Bug fix: Fixed cursor annotation when hovering over a path with the Rotate at Collision tool on Retina screen at 125% UI scaling.
DynamicSketch v3.7.3
  • Bug fix: Fixed possible crash using tool in Windows Illustrator 27.4.
InkScribe v2.7.2
  • Bug fix: Paths can now be correctly started at the visible center point of a selected path.
Phantasm v5.6.3
  • Improvement: Added support for blending objects with Phantasm live effects.
Randomino v1.1.3
  • Improvement: Added support for blending objects with Perturb live effect.
  • Bug fix: When scaling or rotating relative to the artwork's bounding box, the "Use Preview Bounds" setting is now respected.
Stipplism v2.6.3
  • Improvement: Added support for blending objects with Stipple or Symbol Stipple live effects.
Stylism v3.6.6
  • Improvement: Added support for blending objects with AG live effects.
  • Bug fix: Multiple copies of vanishing point AG Block Shadows on a single object are now properly updated when their common vanishing point is adjusted using the tool.
SubScribe v4.1.1
  • New feature: Art Switcher panel.
  • New feature: AG Layer Comps panel.
  • New feature: Gradiator panel menu item "Add Gradients in Selected Art to Swatches"
  • Improvement: The Orient-Transform tool can now mirror the transformed art (using the 'A' key).
  • Improvement: The Orient-Transform tool can now operate in "size-locked" mode, where the original size is retained and only the angle is changed (using the 'S' key).
  • Improvement: The Orient-Transform tool can now operate in "persistent duplicate" mode, in which the Option/Alt key does not need to be continually held down to duplicate the original art (using the 'D' key).
  • Improvement: Gradients in Envelopes and other plugin art objects are now detected and displayed by the Gradiator and Gradient Forge panels.
  • Bug fix: Relocating a stop numerically using the Gradient Forge location field no longer might erroneously remove one or more stops.
  • Bug fix: In the Gradient Forge panel, clicking on a midpoint now properly deselects any selected swatch.
  • Bug fix: Clicking on the up or down arrow of a numerical entry field no longer continues to increment/decrement the value [Windows].
VectorFirstAid v4.0.5
  • AG live effects removed with "Remove all AG Active Content" have been updated to include all the AG Utilities effects.
  • Bug fix: Splitting (to lines) and then recombining a text object with forced break-only lines no longer causes a crash.
VectorScribe v5.1.3
  • New feature: "Dashify" live effect.
  • New feature: "Path Removal" live effect.
  • New feature: "Stroke Attributes" live effect.
  • New feature: "Make Compound Path" live effect.
  • New feature: "Segment Removal" live effect.
  • New feature: "Point Removal" live effect.
  • New feature: The Extend Path live effect, when extending straight, now has the option to change the path angle by a certain amount.
  • New feature: When randomizing an Extend Path effect, the final values can now be stepped.
  • New feature: The Make Shape live effect now includes randomization options for rotation and size.
  • New feature: The Make Shape live effect now includes new shapes: Arc, Half-Circle, and Triangle.
  • New feature: The Make Shape live effect now has a centering option when using "Along Path by Count".
  • New feature: The Make Shape live effect now has alignment options.
  • Improvement: When aligning by distance with the Make Shape live effect, you can now automatically adjust the distance so the spacing is equal regardless of path length.
  • Improvement: The Smart Remove Points and AG Corners effects now automatically check for and remove redundant points.
  • Improvement: When the Add Points live effect parameters dialog is up, the positions of the added points can now be previewed with on-screen annotations.
  • Improvement: Added support for blending objects with AG Utilities live effects.
  • Bug fix: Make Shape now correctly calculates the along-path angle when a shape ends up directly on an open path corner point.
  • Bug fix: Compound paths with open subpaths can now be extended with the Extend Path live effect.
  • Bug fix: Make Shape's rounded rectangles no longer erroneously pick up the slicing values in the Dynamic Shapes panel during effect execution.
  • Bug fix: Using Make Shape on live text no longer results in the shapes being put into a single compound path.
  • Bug fix: Switching the Make Shape size mode back and forth between Absolute and Relative no longer adds extraneous menu items to the Relative Size popup menus for shapes with two or more dimensions.
  • Bug fix: The Smart Remove Points live effect now properly honors the "Protect Sharp Corners" parameter when it is toggled in the dialog with preview enabled.
  • Bug fix: Dragging to create a new Dynamic Corner on a path with curved beziers now works correctly on first use.
  • Bug fix: Fixed rare crash or incorrect conversion when using Dynamic Corners to convert a recognized corner on a closed path adjacent to an existing, maximized corner.
  • Bug fix: The PathScribe "Smooth" button once again utilizes the correct smoothing ratio.

Early-March 2023 updates - 07 Mar 2023

AstuteBuddy v1.6.2
  • Improvement: QWERTZ and AZERTY keyboard layouts are now supported (option in AstuteBuddy Preferences)
FindReplace v1.7.6
  • Bug fix: Paths with stroke weights of exactly certain values are now correctly found when the weight value is entered in the value fields rather than being picked up with the eyedropper control.
VectorScribe v5.0.5
  • New feature: "Extend Path" live effect.
  • New feature: "Add Points" live effect.
  • New feature: "Convert To Smooth" live effect.
  • New feature: "Reverse Path" live effect.