Technical Updates

SubScribe v4.0 - 06 Feb 2023

SubScribe v4.0.0
  • New feature: Gradiator panel.
    Gradiator documentation »
  • New feature: Gradient Forge panel.
    Gradient Forge documentation »
  • New feature: An Arc by Points can now replace an existing path segment with the preference "Replace Existing Path Segments".
  • Improvement: Placed objects are more reliably straightened with the Quick Orient tool.
Stipplism v2.6.2
  • New feature: Stipple and Symbol Stipple effects can now be clipped to the object's outline, similarly to Phantasm's Halftone effect.
VectorScribe v5.0.2
  • New feature: "Make Shape" live effect.
  • New feature: "Release Compound Path" live effect.
  • New feature: "Split Path to Segments" live effect.
  • Improvement: PathScribe's "Reverse Path" is now consistent with the native "Object > Path > Reverse Path Direction" in regards to the position of the starting point of closed path.
  • Bug fix: Fixed possible crash in Windows when applying Dynamic Corner to a path being live mirrored by MirrorMe.
  • Bug fix: The PathScribe panel's "In" handle label has been restored.

Mid-January 2023 updates - 11 Jan 2023

AstuteBuddy v1.6.1
  • Contextual help in the preferences dialog now works in macOS Ventura.
Autosaviour v2.7.1
  • Contextual help in the preferences dialog now works in macOS Ventura.
  • Contextual help has been added to the "Confirm Existing Autosave" preference.
ColliderScribe v3.8.2
  • Contextual help in the preferences dialog now works in macOS Ventura.
DynamicSketch v3.7.1
  • Contextual help in the preferences dialog now works in macOS Ventura.
  • Bug fix: The tool now works reliably on the first drag after Illustrator launch.
FindReplace v1.7.5
  • Contextual help in the preferences dialog now works in macOS Ventura.
  • New feature: Dark mode options for path geometry and replacement art chips.
  • Bug fix: When replacing art, "Match Rotation" now works correctly if the replacement art also has a rotated bounding box.
InkFlow v2.3.2
  • Contextual help in the preferences dialog now works in macOS Ventura.
Phantasm v5.6.2
  • Bug fix: Changing the hue of a non-transparent gradient with "Accurate Gradient Adjustment" no longer erroneously creates gradient stops with opacities very close to but not exactly 100%.
Randomino v1.1.2
  • Contextual help in the preferences dialog now works in macOS Ventura.
  • Improvement: The Perturb live effect is now available from the main Effect menu regardless of the selection's art type, because existing live effects applied to the art may change the apparent type.
  • Bug fix: Fixed problem with relative distance input box sometimes showing the wrong precision.
Reform v2.1.2
  • Contextual help in the preferences dialog now works in macOS Ventura.
Stylism v3.6.4
  • Contextual help in the preferences dialog now works in macOS Ventura.
  • Improvement: The live effects are now available from the main Effect menu regardless of the selection's art type, because existing live effects applied to the art may change the apparent type.
  • Bug fix: The AG Offset distance is now shown correctly for large canvas documents
  • Bug fix: Fixed problem with stacked AG Offset or AG Block Shadows live effects using RGB colors possibly appearing incorrectly when a document was first opened.
  • Bug fix: Fixed problem with "red dot" occasionally appearing at the upper left of the artboard after Illustrator launch.
SubScribe v3.8.5
  • Contextual help in the preferences dialog now works in macOS Ventura.
Texturino v2.7.2
  • Contextual help in the preferences dialog now works in macOS Ventura.
  • Improvement: The Texture live effect is now available from the main Effect menu regardless of the selection's art type, because existing live effects applied to the art may change the apparent type.
VectorFirstAid v4.0.3
  • Bug fix: Fixed problem with Rejoin Paths ignoring the "Rejoin Paths With Different Styles" in certain situations.
WidthScribe v3.7.2
  • "Optimise" has been changed to American spelling.