If you are an individual non-business customer, you will not need to be a Team Owner. Team Ownership is only required if:
You are a Reseller wishing to purchase multiple licenses for clients. If you are, please go here to get started and here for further information.
You are a Business Admin or individual wishing to purchase 1 or multiple licenses for yourself, your colleagues or employees at the company you work for. If you are, please read on....
For Businesses - even if you want only 1 license at present, if it's possible that you may purchase more for your employees/colleagues in the future, it is essential that you still request for us to make you a Team Owner before purchasing.
Requesting to be made a Team Owner doesn’t cost additional money, but it will ensure that you have the option to purchase multiple licenses and manage them all from one account in the future if you so wish.
Please see instructions on becoming a Team Owner at the bottom of this article.
The Team Owner is the person who manages an account with multiple licenses.
The Team Owner has teams. Each team is made up of Team Members who use the plugins as part of that team. A Team can consist of just one member or thousands.
The Team Owner can have and manage limitless multiple teams (clients or colleagues) on one account and can purchase, allocate, revoke and reallocate the licenses as they wish.
The Team Owner can also (if they so wish) make one of the Team Members within each team a Team Leader. A Team Leader can also revoke and reallocate licenses in the team however, they cannot make purchases or manage multiple teams.
The Team Owner can demote someone from Team Leader back to Team Member at any time.
Team Licensing permissions:
· Team Owner (Manager of the account and of multiple teams on that account) – Purchasing and managing multiple teams • Naming their teams and allocating licenses by inviting team members • Revoking licenses e.g. when someone leaves the company • Reallocating licenses • Renewing/Extending teams • Adding additional seats to a Team Pro rata • Making someone a Team Leader • Revoking Team Leader Status • Making themselves a Team Member so that they also have a license on that team.
· Team Leader (Member and Admin of team) - Use of allocated license within a team • Allocating licenses by inviting new team members • Revoking licenses e.g. when someone leaves the company • Reallocating licenses • Does not have purchasing permissions or access to payment information.
· Team Member (Member the team) - Use of allocated license within a team • Does not have purchasing permissions or access to payment information.
How to become a Team Owner
If you don't yet have an account or you have an account but no active license - follow A.
If you have an account with a single active license - follow B.
A). Becoming a Team Owner with a new or inactive account
If you don’t yet have an Astute Graphics account - create one by signing up for the Free Trial with an email address that isn’t already subscribed to an active subscription.
Or, if you already have an Astute Graphics account that doesn’t have an active subscription license - log in to your account.
Now select the Teams option on the left hand side (3).
Next, select to Convert to a team account (4).
Tick the box to confirm that you’re purchasing for the company you work for (5).
Enter your name, Job title and Company name, then click on Confirm account conversion (6).

If you change your mind before purchasing anything, you can click the Switch to a single user account button to revert back to a single user account (7).

If not, you are now ready to click the Purchase a new team subscription button (8) to begin purchasing team licenses for yourself and/or your colleagues. You’ll be asked to confirm.
B). Becoming a Team Owner with an active Astute Graphics account
Select the Teams option on the left hand side (2).
Next, select to Convert to a team account (3).
Tick the box to confirm that you’re purchasing for the company you work for (4).
Enter your name, Job title and Company name, then click on Confirm account conversion (5).

If you change your mind before completing the process, you can click the Switch to a single user account button (6) to revert back to a single user account.

If not, you are now ready to click Convert user subscription now (7) to begin purchasing licenses for your colleagues. You’ll be asked to confirm.
Your existing single license will now go in to a Team of it’s own with the same expiry date.
Please note:
If you paused of cancelled auto-renewal of your single license subscription before converting to a Team Owner - your license will become a Legacy Team.
If you didn’t pause or cancel auto-renewal of your single team before converting - your license will become a single Team Subscription.
Both function in the same way, but your Team subscription license will auto-renew unless you decide to pause or cancel it.
Now go to Chapter 5 of this guide to make your first purchase.