
I haven't received my Free Trial email

2 minute read • Last updated 2024-02-03

When you request a Free Trial, you will then be sent straight to the account system page where you will be able to download Astute Manager and get started immediately.

You will also receive a Free Trial welcome email with a link to the Astute Manager and tips and tricks for using our tools. If you don't find the Free Trial email immediately, don't worry as you can continue from the website.

If you don’t see the email, please note that (particularly if you are a gmail or Hotmail customer) the email(s) may have gone into your Promotions/Other or Junk folder. So please check there if you don’t see it in your Inbox.

The trial will officially begin as soon as you download Astute Manager. To begin, simply click the "Install All" button at the top right of the Astute Manager (if you prefer to install the plugins individually, you can click on the individual install button beneath each plugin). If you haven't previously done so, this will start the 7 day trial.

If after reading this you are still experiencing issues, please contact us and we will be happy to help.