If you have previously installed the Astute Manager and are no longer managing subscription or free plugins from Astute Graphics, you can remove the application from your system as follows.
Note: It is only possible to uninstall your plugins (separate from uninstalling the Astute Manager) if you are operating the Astute Manager v3 or above. If you still have an earlier version installed, you'll need to update to v3 to uninstall your plugins first. Alternatively, you can manually delete any third party plugin from the Illustrator "Plug-ins" folder.
Windows users
Quit the Astute Manager (it may still be located in the lower Windows Tray).
Open the Windows "Add / Remove" system.
Search for the Astute Manager and follow the Windows options to remove the application.
Although not officially necessary, we do recommend that you restart your system following this process.
macOS users
Quit the Astute Manager (it may still be located in the top macOS menu bar).
In the macOS Finder, open the Applications folder.
Drag the Astute Manager application to Trash.
Although not necessary, you can remove associated Astute Manager preferences and settings folders by following the next steps:
In the macOS Finder, open your user's home folder (typically found in Macintosh HD > Users > [current computer user name]).
Drag the Astute Manager folder to Trash.
In the Finder menu, open Go > Go to folder...
In the finder dialogue, enter /Library/Application Support/ and click on Go.
Drag the Astute Graphics folder to Trash.
In the finder, hold down the Alt key and open the Go menu and click on Library.
Open the Application Support folder.
Drag the Astute Graphics folder to Trash.