Technical Updates

June 2022 updates - 13 Jun 2022

ColliderScribe v3.7.6
  • Improvement: Creating a Space Fill with large art is now dramatically faster using the Outline method, especially when freely varying rotation.
  • Bug fix: The Snap to Collision, Rotate to Collision, and Rotate at Collision tools no longer erroneously snap to hidden guides.
DynamicSketch v3.6.2
  • Bug fix: The Dynamic Sketch and Trim & Join tools no longer incorrectly trim locked guides, or trim other paths to locked guides.
FindReplace v1.6.4
  • When opening or switching to a document with a hidden and/or locked top layer, the panel replacement art thumbnail is now correctly displayed.
InkScribe v2.6.5
  • Improvement: There is now a preference to automatically make anchor points with two opposing handles into smooth points regardless of the button settings.
Stipplism v2.5.2
  • Bug fix: Editing the bottom copy of a Stipple or Symbol Stipple effect when there are multiple effects applied to the same object no longer picks up the color of the top copy, when different (CC 2022).
Stylism v3.4.2
  • Addition of the new Curvature effect accessed via Window > Astute Graphics > AG Curvature Visualizer (instructional video to follow)
  • Bug fix: Quality value on macOS now correctly displayed in integers from 1 to 10.
SubScribe v3.6.5
  • Bug fix: All tools which create art (Circle by Points, Tangent Circle, Curvature Circle, Arc by Points, Tangent Line, Perpendicular Line) now correctly honor the "New Art Has Basic Appearance" setting.
VectorScribe v4.8.6
  • Bug fix: Fixed problem with Reposition Point tool sometimes deleting the wrong anchor point immediately after repositioning a point.
  • Bug fix: The Extend Path tool cursor now properly reflects the "Extend All Selected Paths" setting when a single path is selected but the path under the cursor being edited is a different, unselected one.
  • Bug fix: Cursor rendering on the Dynamic Measure preferences preview is now correct.

Reprofile tool release - 10 May 2022

Reform v2.0.0
AstuteBuddy v1.4.9
  • Latest keyboard shortcuts for the new Reprofile tool, part of the Reform plugin