Technical Updates

Stylism AG Architect and Setting Managers updates - 06 Apr 2021

AstuteBuddy v1.3.1
  • Added support for new SubScribe Arc by Points tool keypress.
Stylism v3.0.0
  • New feature: All four AG live effects may now have settings saved and recalled through their panel menus.
    Learn more with our YouTube video
  • New feature: The AG Architect live effect now has the ability to restrict extension lines to segments which are longer than a certain value.
    YouTube deep dive into the latest AG Architect capabilities
  • New feature: AG Architect extension lines may now be extended as bezier curves rather than straight lines.
    Learn more about the latest AG Architect features in YouTube
  • New feature: AG Architect extension lines may now be terminated in a taper or with dashes.
  • Improvement: The "Select" menu now includes the ability to select art with AG Splatter live effects.
  • Improvement: When trying to apply an AG Block Shadow or AG Offset to a feathered or splattered InkFlow stroke through either the tool or panel, a warning will now be displayed about the very long time that it may take, and giving the option not to proceed.
  • Bug fix: AG Offset "Detach" and "Remove" panel menu items are now correctly disabled when there are no Offsets to detach or remove.
  • Bug fix: The AG Splatter color chip now correctly updates when resetting the panel to default settings.
  • Bug fix: The AG Architect panel no longer has truncated text when Illustrator's UI scaling is set to 175%.
  • Bug fix: The AG Splatter shaping slider is now correctly updated when the value in the edit box is changed.
SubScribe v3.4.1
  • Improvement: When dragging an Arc by Points arc, pressing the 'J' key now temporarily toggles the tool's "Auto Join" preference.
  • Bug fix: The Arc by Points tool no longer shows a long, blank cursor annotation if it is the first SubScribe tool selected and used.
VectorFirstAid v3.5.1
  • Bug fix: Trying to show all objects in an issue immediately after one or more of the at-issue objects have been deleted or edited (and without re-running a checkup) no longer causes improper highlighting or even a crash.
VectorScribe v4.5.3
  • Bug fix: The Extend Path tool no longer shows blank distance annotations if two or more Dynamic Corners were selected before switching to the Extend Path tool.

WidthScribe v3.4.2 update - 22 Mar 2021

WidthScribe v3.4.2
  • Bug fix: WidthScribe no longer crashes on Mac if the top object in a multiple selection is of plugin art type and managed by a plugin which is not installed.