Technical Updates

AG Splatter - February 2021 - 08 Feb 2021

FindReplace v1.4.1
  • Added support for finding art with AG Architect and AG Splatter live effects.
Phantasm v5.4.1
  • Bug fix: The Duotone dialog no longer displays with partially transparent areas under macOS Big Sur.
Stylism v2.9.0
  • New feature: AG Splatter live effect with associated panel.
    Get creative in Illustrator with AG Splatter
  • Improvement: AG Offsets can now be detached from the artwork without expanding it.
  • Improvement: When an AG Block Shadow is applied to complicated artwork and would take a long time to process, a warning dialog now lets you stop the operation.
  • Bug fix: AG Architect strokes are now scaled with artwork when "Scale Strokes & Effects" is enabled.
Texturino v2.4.1
  • Improvement: When a texture is applied to artwork with an existing InkFlow or native Outline Stroke live effect, the Texture live effect is now positioned below the InkFlow or Outline Stroke.
VectorScribe v4.5.1
  • New feature: The Dynamic Corners panel now contains a menu item to remove the dynamic status of all corners in the document.
  • New feature: The Dynamic Corners tool now includes a preference that allows all dynamic corners to have their dynamic statuses removed when the tool is deselected.
  • Bug fix: The Dynamic Measure tool now shows exact point angle values when hovering over smooth anchor points.
WidthScribe v3.4.1
  • Width Stamps are no longer applicable to sublayers, as this results in an Illustrator file which cannot be read back in.
  • Bug fix: Width Stamp settings files which include an RGB spot color are now read back in correctly.

AG Architect - January 2021 - 13 Jan 2021

AstuteBuddy v1.3.0
  • Support for VectorScribe's Extend Path tool random mode.
  • Now honors hiding the panel banner.
  • Compatible with macOS Illustrator 2021 (v25.1).
Autosaviour v2.5.0
  • Compatible with macOS Illustrator 2021 (v25.1).
ColliderScribe v3.5.0
  • Compatible with macOS Illustrator 2021 (v25.1).
DirectPrefs v1.4.0
  • Compatible with macOS Illustrator 2021 (v25.1).
DynamicSketch v3.4.0
  • Bug fix: Fixed incorrect trim on certain open paths brushed with scatter brushes that intersect another path very close to one end.
  • Compatible with macOS Illustrator 2021 (v25.1).
FindReplace v1.4.0
  • Compatible with macOS Illustrator 2021 (v25.1).
InkFlow v1.5.0
  • Compatible with macOS Illustrator 2021 (v25.1).
InkQuest v2.4.0
  • IMPORTANT: Swap Channels effect and filter functions are temporarily removed for this release. We plan to re-introduce these in a future update. Apologies for any inconvenience.
  • Compatible with macOS Illustrator 2021 (v25.1).
InkScribe v2.4.0
  • Compatible with macOS Illustrator 2021 (v25.1).
MirrorMe v3.2.0
  • Compatible with macOS Illustrator 2021 (v25.1).
Phantasm v5.4.0
  • Compatible with macOS Illustrator 2021 (v25.1).
Rasterino v2.5.0
  • Compatible with macOS Illustrator 2021 (v25.1).
Stipplism v2.4.0
  • Improvement: Stipple densities down to 0.01% are now supported.
  • Compatible with macOS Illustrator 2021 (v25.1).
Stylism v2.8.0
  • New feature: AG Architect live effect with associated panel.
    Release announcement
  • Improvement: AG Offset now clips paths before applying the offset(s).
  • Bug fix: Fixed AG Block Shadow live effect when applied to groups consisting of clipped and nonclipped objects.
  • Bug fix: Fixed update of the AG Offset "Distance is Total" panel checkbox when selecting objects that have the AG Offset live effect.
  • Compatible with macOS Illustrator 2021 (v25.1).
SubScribe v3.4.0
Texturino v2.4.0
VectorFirstAid v3.5.0
  • Bug fix: Fix a crash when combining text blocks containing empty paragraphs.
  • Compatible with macOS Illustrator 2021 (v25.1).
VectorScribe v4.5.0
  • New feature: When extending multiple paths, the Extend Path tool now supports Random mode using the 'Q' key. The amount of randomization is controlled using the 'O' and 'P' keys.
    Watch the YouTube tutorial covering this new feature
  • Bug fix: The PathScribe panel is now correctly updated upon being shown after selecting a handle while it was hidden [Windows only].
  • Bug fix: The Path Intersections command now correctly honors "Don't Alter Topmost Path" when the topmost path is a compound path.
  • Bug fix: Fixed occasional crash when using Path Intersections in "Cut Paths" mode on certain closed paths.
  • Bug fix: Dynamic Measure now correctly calculates the path area of certain shapes such as a basic Dynamic Gear.
  • Bug fix: Dynamic Measure now correctly calculates path areas in Large Canvas Mode documents.
  • Bug fix: Fixed potential crash when moving an anchor point at the junction of two touching Dynamic Corners.
  • Bug fix: Fixed possible crash when rotating certain Dynamic Corner paths with Real-Time Drawing and Editing turned on.
  • Compatible with macOS Illustrator 2021 (v25.1).
WidthScribe v3.4.0
  • Compatible with macOS Illustrator 2021 (v25.1).