Technical Updates

Large round of minor updates - 17 Aug 2020

AstuteBuddy v1.1.2
  • Support for ColliderScribe’s SuperMarquee tool new keypress.
Autosaviour v2.3.1
  • Improvement: New preference “Don't Autosave/Remind If Document Has Never Been Saved”.
ColliderScribe v3.2.1
  • Improvement: The SuperMarquee tool can now show, on the fly, the number of objects which will be selected when the mouse button is released ("D" to toggle on/off).
DirectPrefs v1.2.1
  • Improvement: Holding down the Shift key when clicking an angle button adds 180º to the requested value.
  • Improvement: Holding down the Shift key when clicking an increment button multiplies the value by 10.
DynamicSketch v3.1.1
  • Bug fix: Fixed trim problems involving curved bezier path segments with an endpoint lying exactly on the straight segment of another path.
FindReplace v1.1.1
  • Improvement: Fill/Stroke, geometry, and replacement art previews now display at Retina resolution.
  • Improvement: New preference “Use Clipping Path For Art Bounds”.
  • Improvement: When picking up art for geometry or replacement, a message is now shown on the panel.
  • Bug fix: Panel text is no longer cut off at non-100% UI scaling.
InkFlow v1.1.0
  • New feature: Option to allow the stroke color to be the preview color (when solid color, otherwise defaulting to black when stroke is gradient or pattern).
    Watch the YouTube video describing the InkFlow improvements in v1.1.0
  • New feature: Preference to automatically expand strokes when drawn.
  • New feature: Preference to keep path selected.
  • New feature: Preference to allow the pen presets to be automatically updated when settings are changed.
  • Improvement: Shift-click pen preset to reset user changes.
  • Improvement: When the stroke color is set to none, the tool uses the fill color as stroke color. If no fill or stroke color is defined, it automatically applies a black stroke color.
  • Improvement: Lighter UI toolbar icon contrast increased for clarity.
  • Bug fix: The variable roundness checkbox works for all presets.
  • Bug fix: Typos corrected in Windows tooltip text.
  • Bug fix: Windows icons in lighter UI mode now all display correctly.
MirrorMe v3.0.1
  • Improvement: Clicking on the panel banner now selects the MirrorMe tool.
  • Bug fix: The screen is now correctly updated when mousing down to create symmetry axes (but not dragging) and changing the axes count.
Phantasm v5.1.1
  • Bug fix: Phantasm effects now work on art with a Gaussian Blur live effect in Illustrator 24.x.
  • Bug fix: The X/Y offset fields in the Halftone effect now correctly increment when the unit of measure is not points.
  • Bug fix: The degree sign in the Halftone effect separations dialog is now drawn correctly.
Stipplism v2.1.1
  • Improvement: The Stipple and Symbol Stipple live effects now respond to the native “Edit Colors” commands.
Stylism v2.5.0
  • New feature: The stroke and fill colors of multiple AG Offsets can now be specified using a gradient to pick them from.
    Watch the YouTube video describing the Stylism improvements in v2.5.0
  • Improvement: When multiple AG Offsets include transparency, it is now possible to specify that the offsets have the “KO Group” effect.
  • Improvement: The Stylism User-Define Favorite previews now display at Retina resolution.
  • Improvement: When an AG Block Shadow is applied to an art object which is being clipping by a clipping path, the shadow now updates automatically if the object is moved relative to the clipping path or the clipping path is moved or edited.
Texturino v2.1.1
  • Bug fix: On Mac, Textures now correctly appear in alphabetical order from the start.
VectorFirstAid v3.2.0
  • New feature: A new checkup operation has been added: “Remove Unnecessary Handles”.
    Watch the YouTube video describing the VectorFirstAid improvements in v3.2.0
  • New feature: A new menu item “Completely Ungroup…” can be used to iteratively ungroup multiply-nested groups in one step (with options involving clip groups).
  • Improvement: The “Remove Unnecessary Groups” operation now also removes groups inside of compound paths (these can cause issues with scripting and certain prepress workflows).
  • Bug fix: The “Show Align Close Points” tolerance is now correctly shown in the checkup operation progress bar.
VectorScribe v4.2.1
  • Bug fix: Dynamic Shapes with transformation points not at their center are now correctly rotated when Shift is also held down to constrain the rotation amount.

Release of InkFlow - 03 Aug 2020

InkFlow v1.0.0
  • New plugin: Lettering + drawing tool for Adobe Illustrator
    Learn more...