Improvement: The SuperMarquee tool can now show, on the fly, the number of objects which will be selected when the mouse button is released ("D" to toggle on/off).
New feature: Preference to automatically expand strokes when drawn.
New feature: Preference to keep path selected.
New feature: Preference to allow the pen presets to be automatically updated when settings are changed.
Improvement: Shift-click pen preset to reset user changes.
Improvement: When the stroke color is set to none, the tool uses the fill color as stroke color. If no fill or stroke color is defined, it automatically applies a black stroke color.
Improvement: Lighter UI toolbar icon contrast increased for clarity.
Bug fix: The variable roundness checkbox works for all presets.
Bug fix: Typos corrected in Windows tooltip text.
Bug fix: Windows icons in lighter UI mode now all display correctly.
Improvement: When multiple AG Offsets include transparency, it is now possible to specify that the offsets have the “KO Group” effect.
Improvement: The Stylism User-Define Favorite previews now display at Retina resolution.
Improvement: When an AG Block Shadow is applied to an art object which is being clipping by a clipping path, the shadow now updates automatically if the object is moved relative to the clipping path or the clipping path is moved or edited.
New feature: A new menu item “Completely Ungroup…” can be used to iteratively ungroup multiply-nested groups in one step (with options involving clip groups).
Improvement: The “Remove Unnecessary Groups” operation now also removes groups inside of compound paths (these can cause issues with scripting and certain prepress workflows).
Bug fix: The “Show Align Close Points” tolerance is now correctly shown in the checkup operation progress bar.
Bug fix: Dynamic Shapes with transformation points not at their center are now correctly rotated when Shift is also held down to constrain the rotation amount.