
Deactivate, activate and uninstall in Astute Manager

2 minute read • Last updated 2023-06-02

Please ensure you have updated to Astute Manager v3 before proceeding. If the Astute Manager window is asking you to upgrade to version 3, you are still on version 2.

As of the Astute Manager v2 it is no longer necessary to be concerned about activating or deactivating plugins. This is now an automatic process when logging in or out of the Astute Manager.

If you want to uninstall the plugins:

In the Astute Manager, click on the Menu and then select "Uninstall all plugins".

After doing this, if you want to entirely uninstall all plugins and the Astute Manager from your system, please do the following:

  1. Quit Illustrator

  2. Log out of and then uninstall the Astute manager

Manually delete Astute Graphics plugins from inside the Illustrator plugins folder.

  • On a mac, you can delete the plug-ins by going to the Applications Folder > Ai > Plug-ins >

  • On Windows, use the standard Add/Remove program system as described by Microsoft here.

Legacy plugin customers

For users of legacy plugins purchased prior to 14 September 2019, please refer to the How do I deactivate or uninstall my legacy plugins? support article.