
I'm not sure if the plugins have installed?

1 minute read • Last updated 2022-06-30

If a plugin is installed, up-to-date and activated you will see the Installed button beneath it in Astute Manager.

When you install our plugins they won’t show up in Illustrator automatically, they will be added to your toolbox panel in Illustrator. If you do not see the Astute Graphics tools in the toolbar, please ensure that you are using the advanced toolbar by selecting Window > Toolbars > Advanced. You should be able to tell if a plugin is installed by checking the Illustrator, Window and Effects menus.

If you have recently moved to Illustrator 2020, 2021, 2022 or above, please ensure that you look for new instances of Ai in the settings panel of Astute Manager (advice on this here). For full instruction on installing, please see How do I install with Astute Manager?